How to Make the Most of Your Convention Experience
Don’t be shy. Introduce yourself to other school board members. You will find them to be valuable resources for you both at the convention and in the future. Whatever challenges you are facing on your school board, chances are one or more of your fellow ISBA members has been there before. Name badges give you a wealth of information to help you get to know fellow convention attendees, including their name, district, and role within the district.
Introduce yourself to ISBA staff and the Executive Board. If the staff or an Executive Board member does not find you first, please introduce yourself to them. You will see them at the registration desk, the ISBA Booth, and other locations around the convention. Please don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.
Ask questions. Don’t worry about asking a “rookie” question. Many of the most important issues facing public education today are raised by new members who are taking a fresh look at situations confronting our schools.
Be punctual. We value your time. Unless something unavoidable occurs, our events begin and end on time. We do not have assigned or priority seating, so please plan to arrive at workshops and meetings a little early to reserve your spot and get settled.
Take what you learn home. ISBA encourages convention attendees to report at their next board meeting what was learned at the convention to any of your fellow board members and key staff who couldn’t attend. Sharing what you learned will help your team grow.
Complete the post-convention survey. The ISBA staff will email a link to an anonymous post-convention survey. ISBA staff appreciates your comments and reviews all of the feedback given. As time and resources allow, staff implement suggestions that improve the event.
Above all, know that ISBA is your organization. We are a diverse group of people with one goal in mind: providing the best possible education to our students. You will find your fellow school board members and our staff ready to help you reach that goal.