The Idaho School Boards Association advocates for Idaho students and public education with leadership and service for local school boards.

Championing Education Since 1942

So, you want to be a School Board Member

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A school board is an elected body that governs and oversees public schools and is elected by district residents or, in the case of a charter school, according to charter bylaws. In essence, the school board is a direct connection from and to the community and its hopes and vision for their schools. While the ultimate role of a school board is to focus on improving student outcomes, school boards also have other responsibilities. For example, they create and adopt policies, hire and evaluate the district superintendent or charter administrator, set the budget and school calendar, and are the ultimate decision-maker on many issues. School boards are responsible for setting the goals of the district/charter and are accountable for how schools – and their students – perform.

Are you interested in becoming a school board member? Click HERE.