Policy & Legal Services
Policy and Government Affairs
ISBA has a mission to help support and improve policy decision making and implementation by Idaho school districts by providing the training and education necessary. ISBA provides a wide range of policy services to our members.
ISBA Government Affairs & Advocacy staff represent the ISBA membership at the Idaho State Legislature. Advocacy provided on behalf of members can be followed online through our weekly publication during the Legislative Session “Capitol Notes” or by following us on Twitter.
Policy Update Service
Maintaining school district policies as laws change is a legal requirement for trustees. The process can be cumbersome, but with assistance from ISBA policy staff districts can be assured they have reliable, authoritative specialist to assist the board and provide essential information along the way. Over 85 Idaho School Districts and 14 Charter Schools are currently members of the Policy Update Service.
Legal Services
ISBA members are eligible for legal services designed to assist school districts, trustees, superintendents, clerks, and business managers with guidance on issues as they arise. Should you need legal assistance, please email Anderson Julian Hull (AJH) and someone representing the firm will respond.
When you contact AJH, please indicate you are an ISBA member. You can also contact Brian Julian or Amy White at (208) 344-5800. Each district can receive up to four hours per year of legal assistance free of charge. Additional time will be billed to your district.
Clerk’s Manual
The freshly-updated 2016-2017 Clerks Manual is now available! It includes resources for everything from employment to elections to Board meetings. It includes forms, timelines, and supplemental information to help your district comply with State law. Click Here To View.
If you need help accessing this handy resource, please contact April Hoy at april@idsba.orgor call (208) 854-1476.
2017 Resolutions
Table of Contents: Statement of the Board
Resolution 5: Retention of Retired Teachers
Resolution 6: Funding School Construction
Resolution 7: Reducing the Super Majority Requirement for Approval of School Facility Bonds
Resolution 8: Reduce the 2/3 Majority Vote Requirement to a Simple Majority in Order to Convene an Executive Session
Resolution 9: Opposition to Amending Article IX Section V of the Idaho Constitution
Resolution 11: Rural School Centers
Resolution 12: Salary Based Apportionment for Classified Employees
2016 Resolutions
Resolution 1: Public Notice Alternatives
Resolution 2: Election Signature Consistency
Resolution 4: Discussion Of Sale Of Public Property Within Executive Session
Resolution 5: Parental Rights
Resolution 6: Extra Day Contracts
Resolution 7: Optimize Reimbursements Of The School-Based Medicaid Program
Resolution 8: Teacher and Principal Evaluation Planning Timeline
Resolution 9: Administrators In Districts With Remote Schools
Resolution 10: Beyond The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Test
Resolution 12: Information On Past Job Performance Requirements
Contacting Legislators
Contact information for all State Representatives and Senators is available through the State of Idaho website.