The Idaho School Boards Association advocates for Idaho students and public education with leadership and service for local school boards.

Championing Education Since 1942

About NSBA



NSBA Mission: Working with and through our State Associations, NSBA Advocates for Equity and Excellence in Public Education through School Board Leadership.

NSBA Vision: National leadership that encourages outstanding school board governance to achieve student success.

NSBA advocates local school boards as the ultimate expression of grassroots democracy. NSBA supports the capacity of each school board, acting on behalf of and in close concert with the people of its community, to envision the future of education in its community, to establish a structure and environment that allow all students to reach their maximum potential, to provide accountability to the community on performance in the schools, and to serve as the key community advocate for children and youth and their public schools.

The association continues to adapt as challenges facing public education and local school governance grow. The New NSBA features a more assertive approach to advocacy in the legislative, legal and public arenas in an effort to shape the debate about public education and to counter the efforts of those who endanger this vital institution.


ISBA is excited to offer our members a new package of valuable resources to every school district in Idaho. Through a partnership with the National School Boards Association, the National Connection service provides your board/superintendent team and district staff access to helpful resources.

The National Connection offers seven high quality resources to benefit your school board:

1. Federal Insider: Get the real story from Washington
2. The Center for Public Education Briefing Room: A growing series of videos
3. Meet the Experts: A webinar series for you to meet the experts on innovation
4. School Board Leadership Resource Center: Multimedia case studies, real-world examples
5. Public Engagement Toolkit: Engage others and restore support for public education
6. Money Saving Resources: Grant resources and discounts
7. American School Board Journal and School Board News: Issues interpreted, practical advice

For more information please contact:
Laurie Hart
NSBA Development Senior Manager
Work: (847) 812-7228
Fax: (847) 831-5685
Visit: Connected